The FISHES download page

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FISHES (for Fully Implicit Seafloor Hydrothermal Event Simulator) is a finite-volume based code that simulates multiphase, multicomponent fluid flow in seafloor hydrothermal systems.

To install the serial version, download and upzip the file below; in the main source code directory, change the variable FISH_SRC in Makefile to point toward the FISHES directory. Then type "make install" to install the code.

The parallel version of FISHES uses MUMPS (see MUMPS). To install this version, install MUMPS; then download the file below. After changing the Makefile variable FISH_SRC to point toward the FISHES main directory, change the variable MUMPS_DIR to point toward the MUMPS main directory. Then return to the FISHES main directory and type "make install".

There is now a program that will allow the user to calculate salinities and densities of liquid and vapor in the two-phase region for any desired temperatures. For a given temperature, the pressure of the three-phase surface and the critical point are determined; the program will calculate the phase properties for pressures between these two extremes, using any desired pressure increment. Just download the file from the link below, unzip, and compile. There may be an error message on the first compile; if so, try one more compile. There will be an input file called and the output will be stored in the file PhaseTables.out.




Temperatures and velocities from a FISHES simulation

some text